Four invaluable and FREE twitter apps

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Tweeting can be hazardous to your health. I’ve had that twitter bug, sitting at my desk tweeting away, trying to find content last minute because the last time I tweeted was a month ago. This is valuable time I could have spent revising my WIP or writing new content for my next book. But no, I was warped into the twitter twilight zone and didn’t emerge for two hours and you know what came out of it, not one new follower. Why, because nothing done last minute has any value. So, I have adapted a few new tools that have proven to help me and in turn, they will help you.
1. : I use this app quite a lot because I currently reside in China and the time zone confuses me. (I’m exactly 12 hours ahead of NYC.) Twuffer lets me schedule as many tweets as I need far in advance. This helps me substantially and frees up a lot of my writing time.
2. has a great toolbar app that grabs tweetables from any website. I’ve used this on my site and my blog It’s great for when you don’t know what to tweet. Follow the directions to the letter and in less than five seconds, you’ll have tweetable content.
3. has free and paid options. I use the free one quite often and it works. It easily lets you see the twitter followers that are following you, unfollowed you and who is inactive. My follower base has grown with this tool because as you may or may not know, Twitter has a follow ratio. Therefore, you can’t just go around following everyone. Every user can follow 2000 people total. Once you’ve followed 2000 users, there are limits to the number of additional users you can follow: this limit is different for every user and is based on your ratio of followers to following. So, follow wisely.
4. is the easiest and quickest way to create tweetables. As you’ve probably noticed, I used them in my blog. Simply enter the information you want to tweet, add hashtag and don’t forget to add your twitter handle and then click generate. Then, copy the link into your blog or website.
Here are some free tweetables. Feel free to use as often as you like!
1. I just found two invaluable and FREE twitter apps to ease my tweeting fingers. Click to tweet
2.  Check out these great tips on building twitter followers for free.  Click to tweet
3. If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.-Yogi Berra Click to tweet
4. You need to have a passion for social media in order to do it well. Click to tweet


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